This morning I meet with the chairman of the Mission to North America Committee of Central Carolina Presbytery to discuss the possibility of planting a church in or around Charlotte. That sounds impressive, and I guess it is but he is a good friend and I was a long time chairman of this same committee. I do have high expectations in that I am asking the Lord to let me know what I will do when I grow up, sooner rather than later. Our decision to go overseas is time sensitive to get "into the pipeline" with evaluations, assessments, and other hoops that you must jump through to be a missionary.
The 4 major opportunities at this point are the Philippines, two opportunities in Orlando and Charlotte. Longshots are planting a church with another denomination on the NC coast and an established large church in Mississippi. An affirming thing is that I have not put my name into these situations except the Philippines, and even then the team leader from Manila has been talking to me about this for well over a year. And some of the other missionaries have more than hinted at such a thing for longer than that.
So today with much prayer, I travel to Monroe for a 10 AM meeting.
Sandwiched between the meeting will be a great fellowship time at b'fast with one of my best friends. Then on to dinner in 7 Lakes with long time friends that have really stuck by me like real friends do!